To Serve With Love And Joy

Academic Programs

St. Mary’s Midwifery Training School in Agago District, Northern Uganda has two programs for the Midwives namely: Certificate in Midwifery which takes two and half years and Diploma in Midwifery which takes one and half years.  The total number of students in the two programs is 150 students. The two programs are according to the Uganda National Education Health System.

Beatification of Father and Doctor Ambrosoli

Father and Doctor Ambrosoli was a Comboni priest from Italy and a surgeon. He established the Kalongo Hospital renamed Doctor Ambrosoli Hospital by the locals. Because of the high death rate of mothers and babies in Kalongo he started St. Mary’s Midwifery Training School in 1956 registered by the Ugandan government in 1959. There he fulfilled the wish of the founder of the Comboni order, “Save Africa with Africans. The locals called him “the Saint Doctor” because he was always in the place he needed to be in a mission to help others.

Father and Doctor Ambrosoli received beatification from the Catholic Church. This is the final step before canonization, the act of receiving sainthood.

Principal Tutor Sister Carmel

She is a nun of the congregation of the Little Sisters of Mary Immaculate of Gulu. At the moment she is the principal of the school. She has worked in Kalongo from 1992 up to date. Her highest level of education is Master in Reproductive Health. She became a midwife because of the high death rate she experienced in the village and her mother almost passed on as a result post-partum Hemorrhage.

Why I Wanted To Be A Midwife

Angwech Agness became a midwife because she was inspired by her mother who was a Traditional Birth Attendant. Therefore, she wants to support and help mothers with better knowledge and skills of midwifery at a higher level. She was certified as a midwife in 2017. She is now a student pursuing a Diploma in Midwifery. Agness is one of the beneficiaries of the Family Copeland Foundation.